1. Etusivu
  2. Dickey, James
  3. The Whole Motion

: The Whole Motion

  • Katseltu: 124 krt
  • Suosituksia: 8 kpl

Kuvaus (171 sanaa, lukemiseen kuluu n. minuutti)

For over three decades, James Dickey has been one of the nation's most important poets and a prominent man of letters. The Eagle's Mile, his most recent volume, was a triumphant success, a bold and innovative departure from his traditional verse. The New York Times declared, 'Dickey continues to extend his vision as a major American poet, ' while Fred Chappell, himself a Bollingen Prize winner, wrote, 'If there were a literary prize for Poetry That Has Shown Real Moxie, it ought to go to The Eagle's Mile. ' Now, The Whole Motion collects Dickey's oeuvre into a single volume: 235 poems, ranging from his first book, Into the Stone, through the prize-winning Buckdancer's Choice, to The Eagle's Mile, as well as a selection of previously uncollected and unpublished 'apprentice' works gathered under the title 'Summons. ' The Whole Motion documents the development of a major literary figure, one who has greatly influenced a younger generation of poets; it illuminates the evolution of one of the finest poetic sensibilities of our times.


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