Tekijänä Arina Tanemura

Tulokset on järjestetty nimen mukaan a–ö.

Kirjoja on yhteensä 44 kappaletta.

#131 I Dream 03
#2Full Moon
#3Full Moon
#4Full Moon
#5Full Moon
#6Full Moon
#7Full Moon
#8Full Moon
#9Idol Dreams
#10Idol Dreams 1
#11Idol Dreams, Vol. 3
#12Mistress Fortune
#13My Magic Fridays 07
#14My Magic Fridays 08
#15My Magic Fridays 09
#16My Magic Fridays 10
#17My Magic Fridays 11
#18Phantom Thief Jeanne
#19Phantom Thief Jeanne
#20Sakura Hime: The Legend of Princess Sakura
#21Sakura Hime: The Legend of Princess Sakura
#22Sakura Hime: The Legend of Princess Sakura
#23Sakura Hime: The Legend of Princess Sakura
#24Sakura Hime: The Legend of Princess Sakura
#25Sakura Hime: The Legend of Princess Sakura
#26Sakura Hime: The Legend of Princess Sakura
#27Sakura Hime: The Legend of Princess Sakura
#28Sakura Hime: The Legend of Princess Sakura
#29Sakura Hime: The Legend of Princess Sakura
#30The Arina Tanemura Collection: The Art of Full Moon
#31The Gentlemen's Alliance
#32The Gentlemen's Alliance
#33The Gentlemen's Alliance
#34The Gentlemen's Alliance
#35The Gentlemen's Alliance +
#36The Gentlemen's Alliance +
#37The Gentlemen's Alliance +
#38The Gentlemen's Alliance +
#39The Gentlemen's Alliance +
#40The Gentlemen's Alliance +, Vol. 5
#41The Gentlemen's Alliance Cross 11
#42The Gentlemen's Alliance Cross: Arina Tanemura Illustrations
#43Time Stranger Kyoko, Volume 1
#44Time Stranger Kyoko, Volume 2