Tekijänä Andy McDermott

Tulokset on järjestetty nimen mukaan a–ö.

Kirjoja on yhteensä 23 kappaletta.

#1Empire of Gold
#2Kingdom of Darkness
#3Kingdom of Darkness
#4Persona Protocol
#5Return to Atlantis
#6Revelation Code
#7Revelation Code
#8The Covenant of Genesis
#9The Cult of Osiris
#10The Hunt for Atlantis
#11The Hunt for Atlantis
#12The Midas Legacy
#13The Midas Legacy
#14The Pyramid of Doom
#15The Revelation Code
#16The Revelation Code
#17The Sacred Vault
#18The Secret of Excalibur
#19The Shadow Protocol
#20The Tomb of Hercules
#21The Valhalla Prophecy
#22The Valhalla Prophecy
#23Untitled WildeChase