Tekijänä Robert Bly

Tulokset on järjestetty nimen mukaan a–ö.

Kirjoja on yhteensä 32 kappaletta.

#1A Little Book on the Human Shadow
#2Iron John
#3Iron John: A Book about Men
#4Kabir: Ecstatic Poems
#5Leaping Poetry
#6Talking All Morning
#7Talking into the Ear of a Donkey
#8The Night Abraham Called to the Stars: Poems
#9The Night Abraham Called to the Stars: Poems
#10The Night Abraham Called to the Stars: Poems
#11The Night Abraham Called to the Stars: Poems
#12The Night Abraham Called to the Stars: Poems
#13The Night Abraham Called to the Stars: Poems
#14The Night Abraham Called to the Stars: Poems
#15The Night Abraham Called to the Stars: Poems
#16The Night Abraham Called to the Stars: Poems
#17The Night Abraham Called to the Stars: Poems
#18The Night Abraham Called to the Stars: Poems
#19The Night Abraham Called to the Stars: Poems
#20The Night Abraham Called to the Stars: Poems
#21The Night Abraham Called to the Stars: Poems
#22The Night Abraham Called to the Stars: Poems
#23The Night Abraham Called to the Stars: Poems
#24The Night Abraham Called to the Stars: Poems
#25The Night Abraham Called to the Stars: Poems
#26The Night Abraham Called to the Stars: Poems
#27The Night Abraham Called to the Stars: Poems
#28The Night Abraham Called to the Stars: Poems
#29The Night Abraham Called to the Stars: Poems
#30The Night Abraham Called to the Stars: Poems
#31The Rag and Bone Shop of the Heart: Poetry Anthology, a
#32The Sibling Society