1. Etusivu
  2. Cameron, Julia
  3. Prayers to the Great Creator: Prayers and Declarations for a Meaningful Life

: Prayers to the Great Creator: Prayers and Declarations for a Meaningful Life

  • Kategoria: filosofia & psykologia, alakategoria: etiikka, elämänfilosofia, estetiikka
  • Materiaali: Nidottu
  • Kustantaja: Tarcher
  • Kieli: englanti
  • ISBN: 9781585427789
  • Katseltu: 215 krt
  • Suosituksia: 7 kpl

Kuvaus (92 sanaa, lukemiseen kuluu n. 0 minuuttia)

Amust for all fans of 'The Artist's Way' all four of Julia Cameron's bestselling prayer books in one volume. This beautiful volume features hundreds of prayers, declarations, and affirmations for a peaceful and harmonious life. Intended for daily use as a guiding and comforting reminder of the divine presence in all of our lives, 'Prayers to the Great Creator' includes Cameron's four classic prayer books in one volume: 'Heart Steps, Blessings, Transitions, ' and 'Answered Prayers. ' 'Prayers to the Great Creator' is the ideal gift for anyone seeking spiritual fulfillment. '


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