Alexander McCall Smith: Level 3: The No.1 Ladies Detective Agency Book and MP3 Pack
- Yhteenveto
- Kategoria: kielet, alakategoria: indoeurooppalaiset kielet, muut kielet
- Materiaali: Muu
- Kustantaja: Pearson Education
- Kieli: englanti
- ISBN: 9781447925705
- Lisätiedot
- Katseltu: 209 krt
- Suosituksia: 6 kpl
- Toiminnot
- Sinä suosittelet ★
- Adlibris ♥
- Antikvaari ♥
- ♥
Kuvaus (87 sanaa, lukemiseen kuluu n. 0 minuuttia)
Contemporary / British English Precious Ramotswe is a kind, warm-hearted and large African lady. She is also the only female private detective in Botswana. Her agency — the No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency — is the best in the country. With help of her secretary, Mma Makutsi, and her best friend, Mr JLB Matekoni, she solves a number of difficult problems. A missing husband, a missing finger and a missing child — she will solve these mysteries in her own special way. This Pack contains a Book and MP3