1. Etusivu
  2. Boyes, Roger
  3. To Prussia with Love: Misadventures in Rural East Germany

: To Prussia with Love: Misadventures in Rural East Germany

  • Katseltu: 57 krt
  • Suosituksia: 2 kpl

Kuvaus (134 sanaa, lukemiseen kuluu n. minuutti)

Farce meets romance in this amusing travel memoir set in East Germany In a desperate attempt to save his relationship with girlfriend Lena and take a break from the world of journalism, Roger Boyes agrees to make a great escape from the easy urban lifestyle of Berlin and decamp to the countryside. He has hopes for Italy, but Lena has inherited a run-down old manor in the deepest, darkest area of Brandenburg. Needing a form of income, they decide to set up a bed and breakfast with a British theme. Enter unhelpful Harry and his Trinidadian chef cousin, a mad Scotsman to advise them on rebranding Brandenburg, some suicidal frogs, and a posse of mad tourists. It all culminates in a cricket match between the British and the Germans on an old Russian minefield.


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