Kevin J. (EDT) Vanhoozer: The Trinity in a Pluralistic Age
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- Katseltu: 46 krt
- Suosituksia: 1 kpl
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- Sinä suosittelet ★
- Adlibris ♥
- Antikvaari ♥
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Kuvaus (98 sanaa, lukemiseen kuluu n. 0 minuuttia)
This provocative collection of papers from an international array of theologians explores the Christian doctrine of the Trinity in the context of twentieth-century cultural and religious pluralism. How should Christians think about their faith in relation to other faiths and in relation to culture in general? Can the Trinity fit into a global religion? These essays — originally presented at the Fifth Edinburgh Dogmatic Conference — show how a full-orbed Trinitarian doctrine, with a proper emphasis on both the One and the Three, provides the necessary resources for successfully addressing the problems and the possibilities of contemporary pluralism.