Vera Caspary: The Man Who Loved His Wife
- Yhteenveto
- Kategoria: kaunokirjallisuus, alakategoria: kaunokirjalliset sekasisältöiset teokset
- Materiaali: Pokkari
- Kustantaja: FEMINIST PR
- Kieli: englanti
- ISBN: 9781558618466
- Lisätiedot
- Katseltu: 110 krt
- Suosituksia: 4 kpl
- Toiminnot
- Sinä suosittelet ★
- Adlibris ♥
- Antikvaari ♥
- ♥
Kuvaus (92 sanaa, lukemiseen kuluu n. 0 minuuttia)
With what Graham Greene once called her 'devilish cunning, ' Vera Caspary offers one of her most suspenseful thrillers in this tale of love, jealousy, guilt, and hate. When Fletcher marries Elaine, his second wife nineteen years his junior, he can't imagine a more passionate union. Then an illness destroys his confidence, and all he can picture is her next affair. He keeps a secret diary of his fantasized suspicions, making his impending suicide look like murder […] . Vera Caspary (1899-1987) is the author of many books including 'Laura' and 'Bedelia. '