1. Etusivu
  2. Delany, Samuel R.
  3. The Einstein Intersection

: The Einstein Intersection

  • Katseltu: 122 krt
  • Suosituksia: 5 kpl

Kuvaus (92 sanaa, lukemiseen kuluu n. 0 minuuttia)

The surface story tells of the problems a member of an alien race, Lo Lobey, has assimilating the mythology of earth, where his kind have settled among the leftover artifacts of humanity. The deeper tale concerns, however, the way those who are 'different' must deal with the dominant cultural ideology. The tale follows Lobey's mythic quest for his lost love, Friza. In luminous and hallucinated language, it explores what new myths might emerge from the detritus of the human world as those who are 'different' try to seize history and the day.


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