Tekijänä Terry Pratchett

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Kirjoja olisi enemmänkin kuin mitä tällä sivulla näytetään, mutta niitä näytetään sivulla enintään 100 kappaletta.

#1A Blink of the Screen
#2A Blink of the Screen: Collected Shorter Fiction
#3A Hat Full of Sky
#4A Slip of the Keyboard
#5A Tourist Guide to Lancre
#6Abominable Snowman
#7Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents
#8Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents
#9Blink of the Screen
#11Carpe Jugulum
#12Carpe Jugulum
#13Carpe Jugulum
#14Carpe Jugulum
#15Carpet People
#16Colour of Magic
#17Compleat Ankh-Morpork
#18Dark Side of the Sun
#19Darwin's Watch: The Science of Discworld III: A Novel
#20Death's Domain
#21Die Farben der Magie
#23Discworld Almanak
#24Discworld Graphic Novels: The Colour of Magic and the Light Fantastic
#25Discworld Map
#29Dodger's Guide to London
#30Dragons at Crumbling Castle
#31Equal Rites
#32Equal Rites
#33Equal Rites
#34Equal Rites
#37Eric: A Novel of Discworld
#38FC Akateemiset
#39Feet of Clay
#40Feet of Clay
#41Feet of Clay
#42Fifth Elephant
#43Fifth Elephant
#44Going Postal
#45Going Postal
#46Good Omens
#48Guards! Guards!
#49Guards! Guards!
#50Guards! Guards!
#51Guards! Guards!
#52Hat Full of Sky
#53Herraskaista väkeä
#55I Shall Wear Midnight
#56I Shall Wear Midnight
#57I Shall Wear Midnight
#58I Shall Wear Midnight
#59Interesting Times
#60Interesting Times
#61Interesting Times
#62Interesting Times
#68Johnny and the Bomb
#69Last Continent
#70Last Continent
#71Light Fantastic
#72Light Fantastic
#73Long Cosmos
#74Long Earth
#75Long Utopia
#76Long War
#77Long War
#78Lords and Ladies
#79Lords and Ladies
#80Lords and Ladies
#81Lords and Ladies
#82Lords and Ladies (Discworld 14)
#84Making Money
#85Making Money
#90Men at Arms
#91Men at Arms
#92Men at Arms
#93Men at Arms
#94Men At Arms
#95Monstrous Regiment
#96Monstrous regiment
#97Monstrous Regiment