Tekijänä Tom Franklin

Tulokset on järjestetty nimen mukaan a–ö.

Kirjoja on yhteensä 30 kappaletta.

#1Crooked Letter, Crooked Letter
#2Hell at the Breech
#3Hell at the Breech
#4Hell at the Breech
#5Hell at the Breech
#6Hell at the Breech
#7Hell at the Breech
#8Hell at the Breech
#9Hell at the Breech
#10Hell at the Breech
#11Hell at the Breech
#12Hell at the Breech
#13Hell at the Breech
#14Hell at the Breech
#15Hell at the Breech
#16Hell at the Breech
#17Hell at the Breech
#18Hell at the Breech
#19Hell at the Breech
#20Hell at the Breech
#21Hell at the Breech
#22Hell at the Breech
#23Hell at the Breech
#24Hell at the Breech
#25Hell at the Breech
#26Hell at the Breech
#27Mississippi Noir
#28Mississippi Noir
#29Poachers: Stories
#30Smonk: Or Widow Town