Tekijänä Raymond Briggs

Tulokset on järjestetty nimen mukaan a–ö.

Kirjoja on yhteensä 25 kappaletta.

#1Father Christmas
#2Father Christmas Goes on Holiday
#3Father Christmas Its a Blooming Terrible Joke Book
#5Lumiukko ja lumikoira
#6Lumiukko ja lumikoira puuhakirja
#7Notes from the Sofa
#8The Bear
#9The Snowman
#10The Snowman
#11The Snowman
#12The Snowman
#13The Snowman
#14The Snowman
#15The Snowman
#16The Snowman
#17The Snowman and the Snowdog
#18The Snowman and the Snowdog
#19The Snowman and the Snowdog Activity Book
#20The Snowman and the Snowdog Pop-Up Picture Book
#21The Snowman and the Snowdog: Book and Toy Giftset
#22The Snowman Pull-out Pop-up Book
#23The Snowman: The Book of the Classic Film
#25When the Wind Blows