Tekijänä Adam Blade

Tulokset on järjestetty nimen mukaan a–ö.

Kirjoja on yhteensä 43 kappaletta.

#1Amictus the Bug Queen
#2Arax the Soul Stealer
#3Arcta the Mountain Giant
#4Balisk the Water Snake
#5Bloodboar the Buried Doom
#6Call to War
#7Cephalox the Cyber Squid
#8Chasing Evil
#9Convol the Cold-blooded Brute
#10Creta the Winged Terror
#11Creta the Winged Terror
#12Den vingede hest Skar
#13Ellik the Lightning Horror
#14Epos the Flame Bird
#15Ferno the Fire Dragon
#16First Hero
#17Hawkite Arrow of the Air
#18Hecton the Body Snatcher
#19Hellion the Fiery Foe
#20Jakara the Ghost Warrior
#21Kanis the Shadow Hound
#22Koldo the Arctic Warrior
#23Koron Jaws of Death
#24Krabb Master of the Sea
#25Kragos & Kildor the Two-Headed Demon
#26Kronus the Clawed Menace
#27Løveuhyret Trillion
#28Minotauren Torgor
#29Rokk the Walking Mountain
#30Ronak the Toxic Terror
#31Sepron the Sea Serpent
#32Silda the Electric Eel
#33Skolo the Bladed Monster
#34Solix the Deadly Swarm
#35Styro the Snapping Brute
#36Tagus the Horse-Man
#37Tikron the Jungle Master
#38Torno the Hurricane Dragon
#39Trema the Earth Lord
#40Ursus the Clawed Roar
#41Vedra & Krimon Twin Beasts of Avantia
#42Vislak the Slithering Serpent
#43Wardok the Sky Terror