Christopher R. Seitz: Prophecy and Hermeneutics
- Yhteenveto
- Kategoria: uskonto, alakategoria: raamattu, raamatuntutkimus
- Materiaali: Pokkari
- Kustantaja: Baker Academic
- Kieli: englanti
- ISBN: 9780801032585
- Lisätiedot
- Katseltu: 54 krt
- Suosituksia: 1 kpl
- Toiminnot
- Sinä suosittelet ★
- Adlibris ♥
- Antikvaari ♥
- ♥
Kuvaus (87 sanaa, lukemiseen kuluu n. 0 minuuttia)
A fresh wave of studies on the prophets has appeared in recent years. Old Testament scholar Christopher R. Seitz has written 'Prophecy and Hermeneutics' as a way of revisiting, from the ground floor up, what gave rise to studies of the prophets in our modern period. In addition, Seitz clearly shows that a new conceptuality of prophecy, hermeneutics, history, and time is needed--one that is appropriate to current views on Isaiah and the Twelve. Scholars, students, professors, and theological libraries will find this an essential foundational resource.