Kustantajana WESTVIEW PR

Tulokset on järjestetty nimen mukaan a–ö.

Kirjoja on yhteensä 66 kappaletta.

#1A Concise History of the Middle East
#2A History of Cambodia
#3A Philosophy of Interior Design
#4A Political Economy of the Middle East
#5A Theology of Reading
  • Tekijä:
  • Kategoria: uskonto
  • ISBN-tunnus: 9780813365664
  • Kieli: englanti
  • Katseltu: 103 kertaa
  • Lukusuosituksia: 7 kpl
#6African Voices of the Global Past
#7Ain't No Makin' It
#8An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory
#9An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory
#10An Introduction to the Modern Middle East
#11Analysis on Manifolds
#12Attitudes and Persuasion
#13Broken Bonds
#14Combustion Theory the Fundamental Theory of Chemically Reacting Flow Systems
#15Computational Physics
#17Creativity in Context
#18Critical Theory and the Literary Canon
#19Economies And Cultures
#20Explorations in Global Ethics
#21Feminist Legal Theory
#22Feynman Lectures Gravitation
#23Feynman Lectures on Computation
#24Global Democracy, Social Movements, and Feminism
#25Hannah Arendt and Education
#26International Human Rights
#27Introduction to Chotic Dynamical Systems
#28Introduction to Commutative Algebra
#29Introduction to Commutative Algebra
#30Introduction to the Theory of Neural Computation
  • Tekijä:
  • Kategoria: luonnontieteet
  • ISBN-tunnus: 9780201515602
  • Kieli: englanti
  • Katseltu: 50 kertaa
  • Lukusuosituksia: 0 kpl
#31Is the Holocaust Unique?
#32Judicial Politics in the United States
#33Keen's Latin American Civilization
#34Kinship and Gender
#36Modern Elementary Particle Physics
#37Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos
#38Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos
#39Normative Ethics
#40Philosophical Ethics
#41Philosophy of Education
#42Philosophy of Mind
#43Philosophy of Social Science
#44Quantum Many-Particle Systems
#45Quantum Transport Theory
#46Recognizing Race and Ethnicity
#47Rural Communities
#48Scraps of the Untainted Sky
#49Social Stratification
#50Statistical Mechanics
#51Studies in Iconology
#53The Arab Spring
#54The Framework of Plasma Physics
#55The Ghetto
#56The Government and Politics of the Middle East and North Africa
#57The Higgs Hunter's Guide
#58The New Urban Sociology
#59The New Work Order
#60The Public Administration Theory Primer
#61The Public Policy Theory Primer
#62The United Nations and Changing World Politics
#63The United Nations and Changing World Politics
#64The United Nations in the 21st Century
#65Theories of the Policy Process