Kustantajana Putnam Pub Group

Tulokset on järjestetty nimen mukaan a–ö.

Kirjoja on yhteensä 26 kappaletta.

#1Berlin Noir
#2Best. State. Ever.
#3Broken Trust
#5Come Rain or Come Shine
#7Have Fun, Molly Lou Melon
#8Hensel and Gretel, Ninja Chicks
#9Last Stop on Market Street
#11Ninja Red Riding Hood
#12Original Fake
#13Rainbow Six
#14Somewhere Safe with Somebody Good
#15Team Dog
#16Thanks for the Money
#17The Assassination Option
#18The Far Empty
#19The Mediterranean Caper
#20The Records of the Original Proceedings of the Ohio Company, Volume II
#21The Shooters
#22The Watcher in the Wall
#23The Water Princess
#24The Young Elites
#25Top Secret
#26Unlocking the Truth