Kustantajana Edward Elgar Publishing

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Kirjoja olisi enemmänkin kuin mitä tällä sivulla näytetään, mutta niitä näytetään sivulla enintään 100 kappaletta.

#1(De)mobilizing the Entrepreneurship Discourse
#2A Brief History of Political Economy
#3A General Theory Of Entrepreneurship
#4A Grammar of Organizing
#5A Research Agenda for Management and Organization Studies
#6A Short Introduction to the Common Law
#7A Theory of Organizing
#8Advanced Introduction to Comparative Constitutional Law
#9Advanced Introduction to Cultural Economics
#10Advanced Introduction to Entrepreneurship
#11Advanced Introduction to International Environmental Law
#12Advanced Introduction to International Human Rights Law
#13Advanced Introduction to International Humanitarian Law
#14Advanced Introduction to International Intellectual Property
#15Advanced Introduction to International Tax Law
#16Advanced Introduction to International Trade Law
#17Advanced Introduction to Post Keynesian Economics
#18Advanced Introduction to Public Policy
#19An Introduction to Macroeconomics
#20Analysis and Public Policy
#21Authentic Leadership
#22Before and After the Economic Crisis
#23Before and Beyond the Global Economic Crisis
#24Biotechnological Inventions and Patentability of Life
#25Biotechnology and Software Patent Law
#26Branded Lives
#27Bureaucracy and Public Economics
#28Business and the Greater Good
#29Business Innovation and Disruption in the Music Industry
#30Business Models for Sustainability
#31Business Models for Sustainability
#32Capitalizing on Creativity at Work
#33Climate Change, Justice and Future Generations
#34Collaborative Strategic Improvement Through Network Action Learning
#35Combating Poverty in Europe
#36Comparative Administrative Law
#37Comparative Constitutional Law
#38Comparative Law As Critique
#39Concerned Markets
#40Concise Guide to Entrepreneurship, Technology and Innovation
#41Contractual Networks, Inter-Firm Cooperation and Economic Growth
#42Coping With Excess
#45Emerging Issues in Intellectural Property
#46Enforcement of Environmental Law
#48Entrepreneurship and Talent Management from a Global Perspective
#49Entrepreneurship and the Shadow Economy
#50Entrepreneurship As Organizing
#51Entrepreneurship in Theory and Practice
#52Environmental Politics and Deliberative Democracy
#53EU Copyright Law
#54EU Intellectual Property Law and Policy
#55EU Intellectual Property Law and Policy
#56EU Labour Law
#57Eu Public Procurement Law
#58Europe's Disappearing Middle Class?
#59European Intellectual Property Law
#60European Intellectual Property Law
#61European Patent Litigation in the Shadow of the Unified Patent Court
#62Eurozone Dystopia
#64Exploring Inequality in Europe
#65Extraordinary Cities
#66Foundations of Law and Economics
#67Foundations of Social Capital
#68Gender, Development and Disasters
#69Gender, Generation and Poverty
#70Geographies of Development in the 21st Century
#71Global Environmental Governance, Technology and Politics
#72Global Regionalisms and Higher Education
#73Globalization and Governance
#74Good Government
#75Governance of Intellectual Property Rights in China and Europe
#76Governance, Democracy and Sustainable Development
#77Handbook of Advances in Trust Research
#78Handbook of Alternative Theories of Economic Development
#79Handbook of Employment and Society
#80Handbook of Entrepreneurial Cognition
#81Handbook of Industry Studies and Economic Geography
#82Handbook of Innovation Policy Impact
#83Handbook of Qualitative Research Methods in Marketing
#84Handbook of Qualitative Research Techniques and Analysis in Entrepreneurship
#85Handbook of Regional Innovation and Growth
#86Handbook of Reseach in Entrepreneurship Education
#87Handbook of Research on Cluster Theory
#88Handbook of Research on Comparative Human Resource Management
#89Handbook of Research on Creativity
#90Handbook of Research on Innovation in Tourism Industries
#91Handbook of Research on International Consumer Law
#92Handbook of Research on International Entrepreneurship
#93Handbook of Research on Knowledge Management
#94Handbook of Research on Sustainable Careers
#95Handbook of Research on Sustainable Consumption
#96Handbook of Research on Techno-Entrepreneurship
#97Handbook of Research on the Learning Organization
#98Handbook of Service Business
#99Handbook of Sustainability Assessment
#100Handbook of Sustainable Development