Kustantajana Disney Pr

Tulokset on järjestetty nimen mukaan a–ö.

Kirjoja on yhteensä 40 kappaletta.

#3Dark Metropolis
#4Deep Blue
#5Disney Lands
#6Enter Title Here
#7Explorers of the Wild
#9Glittering Shadows
#10Gracefully Grayson
#11Holding Smoke
#15Midnight Thief
#17Mother Bruce
#18Princess Patty Meets Her Match
#19Quinny & Hopper
#20Return to the Isle of the Lost
#21Spinning Starlight
#23Stitching Snow
#24The Archived
#25The Cresswell Plot
#26The Curse of the Were-Hyena
#27The Doll People
#28The Dragon Heir
#29The Foundry's Edge
#30The Golem's Eye
#31The Lightning Thief
#32The Nightmare Before Christmas
#33The Sandwich Swap
#34The Unbound
#35The Unbound
#36The Wolf's Boy
#37These Broken Stars
#38This Shattered World
#39This Shattered World