Kustantajana Auerbach Pub

Tulokset on järjestetty nimen mukaan a–ö.

Kirjoja on yhteensä 18 kappaletta.

#1Benefits Realization Management
#2Business Analytics
#3CBAP Certification and BABOK
#4Embedded Software Development for Safety-Critical Systems
#5Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing Guide
#6Foundations of Software Engineering
#7Global Information Warfare
#8Implementing Program Management
#9Leading Effective Virtual Teams
#10Official Isc2 Guide to the Issap Cbk
#11Practical Guide to Project Planning
#12Practical Project Management for Building and Construction
#13Real-world Electronic Voting
#14Security Without Obscurity
#15Software and Systems Architecture in Action
#16The Complete Project Management Office Handbook
#17The Strategic CIO
#18Transforming Business with Program Management