Kustantajana Altamira Pr

Tulokset on järjestetty nimen mukaan a–ö.

Kirjoja on yhteensä 28 kappaletta.

#1A Methodology of the Heart
#2Class Questions
#3Cloth in West African History
#4Daughters of the Goddess
#5Encyclopedia of Local History
#8From Stonehenge To Las Vegas
#9Gender at Work in Economic Life
#10Gender, Social Inequalities, and Aging
#11Globalization, the State and Violence
#12Her Hidden Children
#13In Defense of Things
  • Tekijä:
  • Kategoria: historia
  • ISBN-tunnus: 9780759119314
  • Kieli: englanti
  • Katseltu: 73 kertaa
  • Lukusuosituksia: 0 kpl
#14Institutional Ethnography
#15Introducing Medical Anthropology
#16Islamic Law and the Challenges of Modernity
#17Participant Observation
#18Principles of Criminology
#19Public Art
#20Research Methods in Anthropology
#21Rethinking Environmental History
#22Russian Foreign Policy
#23Shane, the Lone Ethnographer
#24Social Memory and History
#25The Ethnographic I
#26The Rise of Anthropological Theory
#27The Zimbabwe Culture
#28Theorizing Religions Past