1. Etusivu
  2. Ohno, Kazuo
  3. Kazuo Ohnos World

: Kazuo Ohnos World

  • Katseltu: 130 krt
  • Suosituksia: 1 kpl

Kuvaus (146 sanaa, lukemiseen kuluu n. minuutti)

Kazuo Ohno is one of the founders of the Japanese modern dance form Butoh, which had a large influence on contemporary American modern and postmodern dance. Now for the first time, Ohno's words and insights are available in English. This book brings together two distinct but related works: the first, Food for the Soul, is an interview with Yoshito Ohno about his father and his father's dances. With the help of some 100 photographs, he reveals a compelling and complex figure. The second, Workshop Words, is a collection of talks given by Kazuo Ohno to his students during workshops, complemented by photographs of Ohno in intimate settings. Lavishly illustrated and beautifully designed, this book is a finely nuanced portrait of one of the most distinctive contemporary performers to emerge from Japan in the 20th century. It is an indispensable manual for the aspiring performer in any field.


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