1. Etusivu
  2. Goldratt, Eliyahu
  3. Its Not Luck

: Its Not Luck

  • Katseltu: 102 krt
  • Suosituksia: 3 kpl

Kuvaus (132 sanaa, lukemiseen kuluu n. minuutti)

There has been a shift of policy at board level. Cash is needed and Alex Rogo's companies are to be put on the block. Alex faces a cruel dilemma. If he successfully completes the turnaround of his companies they can be sold for the maximum return: if he fails they will be closed down. Either way Alex and his team will be out of work. It looks like lose-lose, both for Alex and for his team. And as if he doesn't have enough to deal with, his two children have become teenagers. As Alex grapples with problems at work and at home, we begin to understand the full scope of Eli Goldratt's powerful techniques. Its Not Luck reveals more of the Thinking Process-techniques that consistently produce win-win solutions to seemingly impossible problems.


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