1. Etusivu
  2. Roberts, Nora
  3. Heaven and Earth

: Heaven and Earth

  • Katseltu: 213 krt
  • Suosituksia: 1 kpl

Kuvaus (141 sanaa, lukemiseen kuluu n. minuutti)

Ripley Todd just wants to live a quiet, peaceful kind of life. Her job as a sheriff's deputy keeps her busy and happy, and she has no trouble finding men when she wants them. She's perfectly content, except for one thing: she has special powers that both frighten and confuse her, and though she tries hard to hide them, she can't get them under control. Distraction soon arrives in the handsome form of MacAllister Booke — a researcher who's come to investigate the rumours of witchcraft that haunt Three Sisters Island. Right from the start, Mac knows there's something extraordinary about Ripley Todd. But before Ripley and Mac can dream of what lies in the future, they must confront the pain of the past. For the island shelters centuries of secrets — and a legacy of danger that plagues them still.


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