Admir (EDT) Hadzic: Hadzics Peripheral Nerve Blocks And Anatomy For Ultrasound-Guided and Regional Anesthesia
- Yhteenveto
- Kategoria: muu, ei luokiteltu, alakategoria: lääketiede
- Materiaali: Sidottu
- Kustantaja: McGraw-Hill Professional
- Kieli: englanti
- ISBN: 9780071549615
- Lisätiedot
- Katseltu: 76 krt
- Suosituksia: 2 kpl
- Toiminnot
- Sinä suosittelet ★
- Adlibris ♥
- Antikvaari ♥
- ♥
Kuvaus (309 sanaa, lukemiseen kuluu n. minuutti)
This is the complete, authoritative, and practical guide to nerve blocks — with a comprehensive atlas of ultrasound anatomy. This title includes DVD with detailed instruction on ultrasound-guided nerve blocks. 'Hadzic's Peripheral Nerve Blocks' takes you step-by-step through traditional and ultrasound-guided nerve block techniques. The second edition places an emphasis on clarity, standardization, and safety of peripheral nerve block techniques. Featuring sections that progress from the foundations of regional anesthesia to the clinical applications of nerve blocks, 'Hadzic's' includes tips and insider perspective from the leadership of The New York School of Regional Anesthesia and its academic affiliates. The book also includes a unique atlas of ultrasound anatomy for regional anesthesia and pain medicine. This title offers a real-world emphasis on clinical utility. It serves as the underpinning of chapter content and drives the book's in-depth explanations of techniques and procedures. Its outstanding organization begins with the foundations of peripheral nerve blocks (e. g. , regional anesthesia, equipment, and monitoring and documentation) and then reviews clinical applications for both traditional procedures and ultrasound-guided procedures. It features substantially expanded number of nerve block techniques, including both basic and advanced blocks. It includes anatomy and practical considerations for ultrasound-guided spinal, epidural and paravertebral blocks. It also includes Atlas of surface anatomy, to better identify the surface landmarks and Atlas of ultrasound-guided anatomy, designed to provide critical contextual detail for the preceding technique-related content. it provides step-by-step standardized monitoring and documentation of the block procedures. It features a decision-making algorithm integrating techniques and technology to improve the success and safety of nerve block procedures. It includes a section on imaging of the neuraxial space. This title presents a DVD with detailed instructions on 5 ultrasound-guided nerve blocks that cover 95 per cent of all indications in clinical practice. It provides learning aids such as tips, tables, flowcharts, precise illustrations/photos, and a comprehensive literature list.