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  3. Bonsai

: Bonsai

  • Kategoria: tekniikka, teollisuus, , , alakategoria: maa- ja metsätalous, elintarviketeollisuus, biotek
  • Materiaali: Sidottu
  • Kustantaja: Dorling Kindersley
  • Kieli: englanti
  • ISBN: 9781409344087
  • Katseltu: 127 krt
  • Suosituksia: 2 kpl

Kuvaus (157 sanaa, lukemiseen kuluu n. minuutti)

Know, grow, and create beautiful bonsai. Step-By-Step Bonsai is the ultimate introduction to bonsai trees, with illustrated step-by-step projects to make bonsai for beginners simple and achievable. With an A-Z directory of bonsai tree care, you'll learn the key techniques needed to create your own beautiful miniature landscapes. Author and internationally renowned bonsai artist Peter Warren has taught and worked all over the world and brings you the best of Japanese bonsai. His expertise will introduce you to the tools you'll need, tips for bonsai tree care, styling ideas and how to get the best from your bonsai plants. A complete 'how to' on planting, propagation, pruning and training techniques, plant care, and siting. Bonsai trees will bring serenity to your garden and make your landscape truly unique, even in an urban setting. With traditional techniques, display ideas and 20 contemporary projects for your miniature trees, Step-By-Step Bonsai uses photographic guides to make growing bonsai easy and approachable.


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