1. Etusivu
  2. Gill, Andy
  3. A Simple Twist Of Fate

: A Simple Twist Of Fate

  • Katseltu: 128 krt
  • Suosituksia: 1 kpl

Kuvaus (139 sanaa, lukemiseen kuluu n. minuutti)

In 1974 Bob Dylan wrote, recorded, reconsidered, and then re-recorded the best-selling studio album of his career. Blood on the Tracks was composed as Dylan's twelve-year marriage began to unravel, and songs like 'Tangled Up in Blue' and 'Shelter from the Storm' have become templates for multidimensional, adult songs of love and loss. Yet the story behind the creation of this album has never been fully told; even the credits on the present-day album sleeve are inaccurate. Dylan recorded the album twice-once in New York City and again in Minneapolis, with a rag-tag gang of local musicians, quickly rewriting many of the songs in the process. For A Simple Twist of Fate, the authors have interviewed the musicians and producers, industry insiders, and others, creating an engaging chronicle of how one musician channeled his pain and confusion into great art.


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